My t/w girl Milly, from Duet's litter to Ch Nedlaw Barbarian, had a litter in September 2010 to Ch Dialynne Masterpiece, producing Deaconfield Gaiety (Zoe). Zoe qualified for Crufts 2012 at her first Championship show and has continued to do well in the showring. At Bournemouth Championship Show this August she was Best Puppy in Breed, showing her little socks off. My thanks go to Lesley Rootham who has been looking after and showing Zoe for me whilst I have been convalescing from illness earlier this year.
Deaconfield Gaiety
Zoe with her friends on 'holiday'
Zoe has since achieved her Stud Book Number having been awarded 1st prize in Limit Bitch at Birmingham Championship Show in May 2015.
New Additions to the Show Ring have made a promising start to their show careers

Deaconfield Governor and Deaconfield Gingham
(a repeat mating of Gaiety)
Photos: S&S Productions
In May 2014 Zoe had a litter of six puppies by Ch Dufossee Hyperion. We retained Deaconfield Informer (Hector) and Deaconfield Innocence (Honey). We have had some success with both puppies in Puppy and Junior classes.

Deaconfield Informer aka Hector - now a sofa dog!
Deaconfield Innocence
Folksong having completed her show career had two litters of puppies - both large litters.
From the second litter we retained
Deaconfield Harmony in October 2014, a pretty broken tri bitch sired by Dufossee Ikea. Flora (Folksong) having retired now resides in Leamington Spa.
Deaconfield Harmony
The kennel had a super day at Windsor Championship Show in July 2015 when Deaconfield Governor was awarded a RCC under James Gordon-Hall and thereby gaining a Stud Book Number.
Our latest exhibits are Deaconfield Kingcraft and Deaconfield Keepsake. They were sired by Ch Davricard Harrison, their dam is Deaconfield Innocence.

Deaconfield Kingcraft

Deaconfield Keepsake
When Newlin Perth at Molesend was mated to
Deaconfield Jasmine (by Ch Rossut Endeavoured ex
Deaconfield Harmony) we got
Deaconfield Listener (a tan and white dog) and
Deaconfield Levity (a tri-colour bitch). Unfortunately, shortly after they were old enough to show the Covid-19 pandemic took centre stage.